
Total tank simulator
Total tank simulator

total tank simulator

Action Bomb: Goliath robot mines, which are blisteringly fast and come in infinite waves until their control center is destroyed.Total Tank Simulator provides examples of: While they are petitioning for Steam Greenlight, open pre-alpha demos are currently expected to be released in the near future.

total tank simulator

There is also a planned test of a closed pre-alpha with multiplayer. It can be obtained by signing up for their newsletter here. The game is currently in open pre-alpha, so much of the information is subject to change. Terrain can be bombed out into a cratered hellscape (and as of Demo 4, the player can dig in or build embankments while controlling a unit), buildings and trees can be driven through through, airfields can be captured, etc. Tanks can be immobilized by hard hits (both being tracked and possibly losing turret rotation) and have to repair themselves, shots can deflect off armor and impact other units, units have different types of armor with different weaknesses, and each unit that's actually named after a real-world tank or other machine is modeled after it in terms of stats. Notable about the game is its attention to detail, despite the colorful models (that still resemble what they represent).

Total tank simulator